So, maybe you’ve wondered where I’ve been the past few days. Funny story. Not long ago, a good friend of mine asked me for a list of films she might show at the “apocalypse party” she was throwing to celebrate her 2012 birthday. I came up with a decent list initially, but I decided what this really warranted was a sprawling infographic of end-of-the-world films, researched on at least three poster-board mock-ups and one improvised three-dimensional miniature rendering in Fritos and Duplo blocks. (This is sort of like the time my parents asked me to transfer their Super 8 films to DVD and I made a Star Wars tribute film featuring an animation of our station wagon as a spaceship. It’s also sort of like the time Richard Dreyfus built Devil’s Tower out of mashed potatoes.) I should note that This Is How The World Ends … At The Movies is hardly comprehensive because I wanted to leave room for robot doodles and so forth. Hopefully, though, you’ll still find a few of your favorites on here. You are most certain to find Gary Oldman and Jesus. Enjoy! (Click image to enlarge it on Flickr.)